Receive womb guidance and embodiment practices for each phase of your menstrual cycle
Gift yourself some “me” time to deepen your connection to your womb, the center of feminine wisdom and power. In this FREE Womb Love Package you will find a womb love ritual for each phase of your menstrual cycle.
I invite you to sit back and let yourself be bathed in these deeply nourishing self-care feminine practices. This is an invitation for you to receive womb love, care and nourishment.
What is included in your Womb Love Package?
Your womb love package contains womb embodiment practices for each phase of your menstrual cycle.
Menstruation : Moon time meditation
You menstrual blood is your medicine. It helps you to reset your body as you release the old endometrial lining. Create a cozy womb nest for yourself and connect to your inner oracle and the visionary power of your blood as you pause, listen and surrender to your womb red river.
Follicular phase: Self womb massage
As you transition from your bleed to your follicular phase aka inner spring make sure you don’t rush out too fast to the outside world. This self massage is a great way to slow down and connect to your womb, release any stagnation and bring a healthy flow in your pelvis and abdomen.
Ovulation: Sensual womban ~ sacred pleasure practice
Your sexual energy is your vital and creative energy. When you are approaching your ovulation you are likely to experience a natural state of heightened pleasure and turn on. Sacred pleasure practice invites your lover queen come alive as you tune into the connection between your heart and yoni & connect to the erotic current in your body.
Luteal phase: Yoni steaming e-book
Self-care is a key in your luteal phase. As you are approaching your bleed make sure you take it easy and slow down to prepare yourself for your menstruation. Yoni steaming is an amazing feminine stillness practice to connect to your womb and listen. It relaxes and softens your womb which is a great preparation for your bleeding.
Bonus: Menstrual pain guide e-book
Learn some tips on how to manage and deal with menstrual pain and cramps.
Ready for more womb practices & menstrual cycle wisdom?
If you would like to go on a deep dive with your womb and learn the art of cyclical living you can join my online program for women.
WOMB INITIATION JOURNEY ~ Step into your menstrual, creative, sexual power